Happy New Year 2021-2022
In 2021 we got two shots and a booster,
And thought going out was back in vogue.
But then Delta and Omicron introduced themselves,
And again we feared germs going rogue.
This is awesome! said our computers,
Their delight they could barely hide.
We would miss you so much, they admitted,
If you left us and went outside.
Look at all the things we’ve done
To face the pandemic together:
We’ve Zoomed and learned and played and cooked,
And streamed movies no matter the weather.
We’ve had you dancing to oldies music
And downloading useful new apps.
We've even continued to install updates
While some of you were taking long naps.
We’ve followed new friends on social media,
And deleted old photos and files.
We've written some memoirs and paid some bills —
We’ve been together through tears and smiles!
So if you have to settle back in for a time
And ride out this new wave from within,
We’ll be here for you as we were before —
Just don’t forget to plug us in.
We should show much love to our computers this year —
They were a lifeline from home to "out there."
And I appreciate your trusting me to help you compute
Whether in person or by remote screen share.
I hope 2022 is a year of good heath
For you, your families, and your computing machines.
And I hope we can go out safely again
Protected by all the right vaccines.
In the meantime, I wish a Happy New Year
To all the readers of my ITmail blast.
May your computers continue to start up quickly,
And may your batteries always last.