Hyphens, En, and Em Characters
The discussion of hyphens, en spaces (short dash), and em spaces (long dash) is twofold: when to use them and how to find them on your keyboard. This ITmail discusses how to find these characters on your keyboards.
(When to use these dashes is a subject for another day, but feel free to look it up. There are many — often contradictory — scholarly opinions on the subject, especially when it comes to whether there should be spaces to either side of them. But do note my use of em spaces!)
A hyphen is a short horizontal character used to, yes, hyphenate words. An en space is a little longer than a hyphen (about the width of the lowercase “n” in the font/size you are using), and an em space is even longer (about the width of the lowercase “m” in the font/size you are using).
Here’s where you can find these characters: (don't type the ">" key)
Full-Sized Keyboard (note hyphen!) on a Mac Computer
Hyphen: has its own key, often coupled with an underscore character, also called the “Minus” key
En Space: Option > Hyphen
Em Space: Option > Shift > Hyphen
Full-Sized Keyboard on a Windows Computer
Hyphen: has its own key, often coupled with an underscore character, also called the “Minus” key
En and Em Space: Windows Key > Period. (Opens the Emoji Keyboard) > Symbols > Em or En
iPad, iPhone, Android Phone
“123” key > long press on the hyphen key > slide to choose en or em dash
A few notes:
If you type two hyphens in a row, some software programs will convert them to an em space automatically, rather than keep them as two hyphens (--). If this doesn't happen on your machine, find the correct em space. Two hyphens in a row are really two hyphens separated by a space and they might break at the end of a line, creating an unsightly mess of your otherwise brilliant writing.
If you are wondering, an en space is often used to separate dates: 2021–2022.
En and em are acceptable Scrabble words, but they are not chocolate-coated candies.