New or ExisTing Document?
Many software programs have a “New” option: new document, new spreadsheet, new presentation, new artboard, new musical score, etc. A new file is full of exciting possibilities, but it can also be quite daunting. Rather than staring at a blank page of a new document, consider jump-starting a new project by recycling one of your existing documents.
The key is to copy (“duplicate,” “save as”) an existing file, save it with a new name, delete the content you don’t want, and keep that which is relevant to your new project. Voilà, it's not a blank page.
Don’t recreate your letterhead. Save a copy of an existing letter, delete the recipient info and text, keep the signature, change the date, and start typing new content.
Duplicate an existing Powerpoint or Keynote presentation. Strip away the images from the last presentation, change the text (and maybe the theme), and place new pictures.
Keep valuable formatting in a spreadsheet. Save a copy, delete the data, modify column/row headers, and keep helpful formulas. Enter new information as necessary.
Click File > Open rather than File > New to turn your existing documents into already-started new projects. Big time saver!