If you grew up with computers in your home and school (I didn’t), you might be expected to know how to use them. If you jumped onto the computer highway later in life, you certainly can’t be. For more than 10 years, I have helped my clients with computer issues and computer projects — on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. I’d like to think my clients have become more confident computer users.
Since 2011, I have been emailing a weekly computer tip (an “ITmail”) to my clients. The topics often come from questions I am asked; if one client has that question, so might others. For the most part, these tips and recommendations are universal computing ideas, but are occasionally device-specific.
See recent ITmail tips below.
Hyphens, En, and Em Characters
The discussion of hyphens, en spaces (short dash), and em spaces (long dash) is twofold: when to use them and how to find them on your keyboard. This ITmail discusses how to find these characters on your keyboards.
Hamburgers, Meatballs, and Kebabs
I find myself hungrier than usual writing this ITmail but in the computer world, hamburgers, meatballs, and kebabs are menus, not menu items.
Happy New Year 2021-2022
In 2021 we got two shots and a booster,
And thought going out was back in vogue.
But then Delta and Omicron introduced themselves,
And again we feared germs going rogue.
Remember the Reminders
If you aren't using a Reminders or Notes app on your smart phone, you are, well, forgetting some of the phone's most practical features.
Nothing Happened
Copying and Pasting have been hallmarks of the earliest personal computers, yet the function still confuses users. And it's not entirely the users' fault.
Large App-etite
Feeling overweight after Thanksgiving? Maybe that's how your phone feels all the time.
Your Moving Memories
One of my grandmothers made wonderful mushroom and barley soup. I have the recipe; I've made it, but it never tastes the same. My great aunt made delicious sugar cookies. I remember the taste, but I cannot re-create it. My other grandmother made savory chicken matzoh ball soup and the best roasted potatoes ever. Wonderful culinary memories.